Didn't go as planned... but HE'S HERE!

Kelly • Married my hubby 9/12/15 and welcomed our first son Harrison 9/5/16! He is the love of my life and I couldn't be happier
This is a little late... I've been kind of busy! Hahaha! 
Well to start, my birth didn't go how my husband and I had planned. We had planned since the day we found out we were expecting to go all natural at an independent birth center with midwives. My pregnancy was actually really smooth, and our experience with our midwives for my prenatal care was excellent. I couldn't wait to give birth there! 
My little man was measuring pretty big and being a small woman (4'11), my midwives encouraged me to start trying to naturally induce labor around 37/38 weeks (walking, sex, 3rd trimester tea, mother's cordial, etc). By my due date, he seemed like he was super comfy and not planning on coming out. So I sucked it up and had sex with my hubby a few times that day. The next afternoon my water broke around 1pm! Unfortunately there was meconium in the water. My midwives decided there was too much of it and because I had tested positive for GBS, they felt it was safer to have me go straight to the hospital. I was bummed, but I wanted to do what was safe for my baby. Once we got there I was hooked up to the machines and checked out. I wasn't in active labor and was 1cm and 90% effaced. They let me walk the halls for a bit to see if I could get labor started. 2 hours later (6pm) they decided I needed pitocin to push me into active labor. Little did I know they were actively cranking it up! About an hour later I was in super active labor. The contractions were CRAZY! I would have 3 or 4 long contractions back to back with no break in between. I tried everything from a yoga ball, to a soaking tub. I was in AGONY! I always thought I had a high pain tolerance, but after 7 hours I was starting to lose it. The Dr checked me and I was STILL only 1cm!! At hearing that I cried and decided I couldn't do it anymore and asked for an epidural. It was INSTANT relief! I had been terrified of it, but my contractions were so bad I didn't care anymore. By this time it was 1am and I was exhausted. They woke me up every hour to have me change positions to try and get him moved down since he hadn't dropped at all from his -2 position. By 6am I had dialated to 6cm, but he still hasn't dropped at all. The Dr let me keep laboring until about 12pm, when he finally made the decision that it was time to get my little man out. By that time my water had been broken for almost 24 hrs, there was meconium in the fluid, AND he still hadn't dropped at all. They quickly got me into the OR, gave me a spinal and got to work. Harrison James Hester was born at 12:53pm on 9/5/16 weighing 8 lbs 5oz and 21 inches long! 
I can honestly say that he is the best thing that has happened to me and I'm SO in love with him!! I cried for the first few days after having him because I had had extreme gender disappointment when we found out he was a boy at 16 weeks, and I felt SO guilty and awful about feeling that way. I love him more than anything and wouldn't change him for the world!!