Boyfriend or no?

So I'm 13 and there's guys that have like me and I have liked them back. Though I have only really dated one guy before. And I'm probably not going to be dating soon because the guy I like is going out with someone else and before he went out with the other girl I found out he liked me and her. But I'm getting told that he and I would be a good couple and we are best friends and there's like a whole other story behind that. But the guy I like ( that is also dating another girl), are really good friends and idk what to do because he's getting closer to me and I don't want to be the reason for their break up because while I like him they are still a really cute couple. I'm not saying he would break up with her but if he does and I'm the reason I would just feel really bad. So, while I ranted I just wanted to know if he did ask me out what should I say? PS if you want to know more back round before an answer just ask.

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