stay at home moms- 3mo old schedule?

I often wonder what I "should" be doing with my three month old daughter during the day. We do the usual, play mat, play with toys, stretch time on her changing table, outside for a little bit just hanging on the lanai looking around and getting fresh air. I feel guilty putting her in her swing in front of the t.v.while I do laundry or stuff around the house, but my sisters say let her go and leave her be for a bit... what do you do during the day and how is your 3 month old nap/daily schedule like so far? My husband seems to think I should be out exposing her to the world everyday and out and about constantly with her, which obviously isn't possible without spending money, or in this disgusting Florida heat right now. We go out a few times a week her and I- grocery shopping or out to run errands etc, but nothing kid based that's for sure.  I'm starting to feel guilty and he's telling me I'm making her a hermit ! It just seems easier to me to be home with feedings (breastfed) and naps- and the obvious, not spending money.  
We're usually up by 10. Feed, Change, playtime for a bit, and back down for a nap for about 45mins- hour, by 12pm. Up again, eat change play, sometimes up 2-3 hours and nap again. I pick up the house and do laundry during her naps usually. Bath time is usually sometime between 7:30-9:00 pm and bed by 10/11pm. 
What's your days been like with your 3 month old?