My name is Amelia and it's my FTP

My name is Amelia and it's my FTP.
I've given birth now with such a whirlwind of emotions at the beginning. At 13weeks I decided to do Harmony test. Came back as in conclusive. My OB asked why and they said not enough baby DNA. So my doctor had us go back in to draw more blood. Same results. We decided to do InformZeq in hopes for a better result. Same thing again. Doctor decided to have us go to a specialist. Before doing so she had did a sonogram and said baby will be a Girl. Baby kept legs crossed so it was hard to get this image. 
Which my fiancée and I really wanted a girl so we left in better spirits. By this point my emotions were up and down and sideways. This last Friday (5/20) we had the specialist appointment. We met with a Genetic Counselor first. Basically told us all the reasons on such bizarre results. She said the tests have really only been around for about 4yrs so a lot isn't know as to why the test said "not enough baby DNA." She said it basically could be nothing. Just that baby isn't shedding enough of placenta, which shedding is normal and expected, to be mixed with my blood. That shedding helps give the result of baby DNA to find out markers for any abnormalities with all blood tests. Which it was bad that baby wasn't shedding enough. Could be a sign that something could be wrong buts all a guess right now. Said we won't really know without doing the amniocentesis. But there are risks to doing that test. A hole is made on placenta liner to get fluid the baby is swimming in cause it's full of flacks of skin with baby's DNA. Risk is that hole may get bigger or water may leak both causing miscarriage. After that the Genetic counsler sent to the OB Soecialist to get sonogram with more advanced equipment to look at any possible visual abnormalities. I was scared going in at this point but once the nurse and then Doctor did the sonogram all my fears went away. All bones were normal. Heart had four chambers. Head looked normal. Tummy and intestines were good. Doctor said walking in he had baby at 1/300 of having issues but after looking at baby he raised it to 1/600 which made me happier. He also gave us a surprise. WE ARE HAVING A BOY!! 
Had to return all the girl stuff we got. LOL. I had faith baby will be healthy but either way will have all the love in the world. Once he was born he ended up getting Jaundice which we stayed in hospital extra day because of it. Which we were lucky hosptial let me stay an extra day because of our baby boy. Lucas was born other than that healthy and fast too. From the moment they started me to push to the moment he decided to come out on his own was about 20mins. Very joyful moment for me. We are now 3rd week of his life and still learning the ropes of being FTM.