
Just need to rang. I was in the bathroom. Have been sick the last few days my daughter goes out of the bathroom & runs to the other bathroom. I thought she went to her room to play. Well she didn't, she went to the other bathroom got a box & climbed up on shelves & got my b12 & hydroxycut pills. She got into the b12 but not sure about the hydroxycut the lid was loose but not off. I had to turn it some to get it off. So I call the hubby & tell him & he immediately starts cussing at me & telling me how immature I am. I hung up & told him that I'm not talking to him till he chills out. Cause he's just making me feel even worse about the whole deal. I already feel bad enough & bawling my eyes out. Accidents happen it could have happened to him. Am I wrong for being upset with him?