Men's mouths.


I can't stand the way some men speak to their wives!

I overheard my good friends husband tell her the only time her mouth should be open is when his dick is in it!!!! This was during an argument they were in the midst of before I arrived. She apparently spoke too much to the lady next door. I swiftly told him the next time he spoke to her in that manner he would have his dick in his own mouth.

Now she's not aloud to have me over anymore 😔


This was mostly about men feeling they have the ability to say/do what they please freely without consequences. I was not meant to be a part of the argument. They knew I was coming over I texted when I was 5 min out and I was told just come in when I arrive. I have known this man since I was three years old! That is 23 years!!! I live two houses down from them. I became friends with his wife 4 years ago when they became married. I found out yesterday he had been drinking (he does not drink) and is a lightweight. I've never known him to drink so I never suspected that being the situation. His brother died from alchol overdose so he seriously never drinks! He basically was being a dick do to intoxication though. He called and apologized to me and took back my restriction on not being welcome. We all do say stupid things but I believe it is never OK to degrade your spouse or anyone in such a disrespectful manner. I made sure to tell him just that. I am a not a weak woman. As a child who witnessed and received abuse first hand I will not stand by and listen to such derogatory terms being thrown at someone I love. I stand up for myself and what I believe in. I speak my mind and I definitely speak volumes. I know when I am in a situation of power and have the ability to make a change. I've spoken with her privately and made sure this was not a recurring instance and she assured me it was not. So all is well and hopefully lessons were learned! Know your worth and never accept anything less than that ladies. I made this post when I was still in a bit of shock and disbelief so I didn't try to tell our life story. Thank you everyone for your responses! I feel good knowing most woman would stick up for someone they love in these circumstances.