almost shared my birthday with my little girl

Jennifer • Mommy of 2 beautiful girls💜💜
On Thursday (9/22/16) morning I woke up to having contractions at one am,they were an hour apart so I paid them no mind thinking they were just strong Braxton hicks. Later that day I went to run errands with a friend, while I was out and about my contractions became closer together 15 to 10 minutes apart so I decided it was time to go home and relax. By the time I got back home my contractions were 5 to 3 minutes apart,so I went to my mother in laws house next door just in case it was the real thing which after two hours we decided it was time to go in just to check things out. When we arrived at 7pm they hooked me up to all the monitors and the nurse that was there (who wasn't an obgy nurse and seemed to have no idea what she was doing) was so rough and mean when checking me that she actually had me in tears and tore me slightly and my mil was about to knock her out. Since she wasn't experienced she couldn't tell me if I was dilated or anything and gave me the option to stay or to go home, which I choose to go home soon as my husband showed up at 2 am. I went back in at 8am Friday morning cause my contractions were so unbearable I couldn't take it anymore. My doctor was there this time and I told her about how I was treated by the night nurse and how much pain I was in down there, she checked me and I was at 2cm and she sent me home with some sleep meds so I could get some rest. Me And my husband took a three hour nap when I woke to an extreme urge to pee soon as I went to roll out of bed my water broke and at the time I thought I had just peed the bed and I started crying which woke my husband up and he helped me get to the shower and he cleaned up the bed as best as he could. While he was doing this my contractions became a minute apart and so strong I couldn't stand so when he came back he called my doctor and told them we were coming in. By the time we got there for the third time I had gone from 2cm to 6cm and had to decide if I wanted an epidural or to do it naturally since I'm allergic to so many pain medications. I asked to have the person who would give me an epidural to come explain everything to me like the risks and side affects of getting on. He was the most kind person I've ever met in any hospital setting,he explained everything in great detail to help me make an informed decision of what was the best thing, I got the epidural which I was so glad to get so I could get some more rest before I had to push. At 8pm Friday my doctor came in and told me it's time to start pushing and we will have our little girl in an hour. At 9:14pm Friday September 23,2016 my little girl was laid on my chest. I instantly fell in love with her. We did skin to skin contact right away with me and daddy, they did all the tests and everything they have to do all on me except measure and weigh her. On Saturday morning(my birthday) all the nurses that were there from start to finish and the guy who gave me my epidural all came by to visit me and my baby girl and check on how we were doing,also to wish me a happy birthday. For things starting a little rocky and stressful I had a very good first time giving birth experience. And my husband was extremely impressed on how things went the second and third time we went in, he has been my rock through my struggle of breastfeeding and the nights she just wants to eat every hour, even when he's worked 16 hours and just wants to sleep he still gives me breaks and chances to nap when he's just as dog tired as me. I don't know how I would have gone through labor with out him or his help for what he could do for this first week.