She's here!

So, my little one wasnt due until middle of October. Well, on September 21st at 7pm my water broke.. it took us an hour to drive home, pack up, and get to the hospital. I get there at 8, and they tell me I'm already to a 4. Said she won't be here until around 2am, and asked if I would want an epidural. I was going to try and go natural, but in the heat of things I got nervous and told them to do it, and she said he will be up shortly. Then we call our parents, and the godmother to let everyone know. The godmother gets there around 9, and my boyfriend ran down to get our things from the car. While he was down there the doctor came in and measured and I was already to a 7!!! In just one hour difference. So the godmother calls my boyfriend and tells him to hurry up!! (He was so nervous, he brought the whole carseat up with him, base and all!!) They give me something for the pain until the guy can get up here to do my epidural. Whatever it was, it made me loopy!! I was having contractions that hurt like a mofo but i was still cracking jokes with everyone. Finally at 10:30 is when they show up to do my epidural, (mind you, my contractions are one after another now) and by the time he was done and left, they doc measured me again and it was time to push!!!! Esmeralda Leticia Garcia was born at 11pm on the dot. Weighed 5.7, and was 18.25 inches long. She was 3.5 weeks early, but we couldn't be happier to have our perfect girl home. ♡♡♡