8 dpo faint line

I posted some of this somewhere else then deleted it because I realized it might be in the wrong room so I'm finally posting it here. I've finally gotten not one but two positives and they're super faint but I'm 8dpo.  I tested two days ago and the line started to appear (my stomach actually dropped I didn't expect it to be positive)  but then the line disappeared. I tested the next morning and it was negative. I waited until this morning and it was also negative. I had a feeling around 4pm to take a test and it was my last one so I did and it came out faintly positive. I couldn't believe it so I went and got more tests. Tested again at 7:30pm and it was even more faint but there. The digital said "not pregnant" though. My husband won't consider it "confirmed" unless it's a digital positive so he's not convinced 🙄 omg is this true? All I could do was repeatedly say "holy sh!t" 😂🙈 I can't believe this is real 🙈