💕a very long birth story about a very perfect preemie💕


The story starts on Friday Sept. 30th. At that point I was 35+2. I was having some pink discharge and spotting all throughout the morning, and baby wasn't meeting her kick counts.

I called my doctor and he told me that he wanted me to head into labor & delivery for monitoring. I figured it would be a quick  couple hours and I would be back home with my silly FTM fears addressed. They were concerned about my blood pressure, so I ended up staying for 7 hours being watched, tested, poked, and stuck. At that point my pressures were hanging out between 145/85 & 155/100. They dipped my urine and it wasn't showing any signs of protein. They also collected a sample and sent that off for lab testing. So my BP was high, but it was low enough I got to go home because everything else came back ok. I was put on bed rest and my doctor told me to call him if I had ANY changes in symptoms.

So I went home, and slept in the comfort of my own bed. I woke up that next morning(October 1st) with a headache and  some right abdominal pain as nausea. Nothing too crazy so I ignored it most of the day. Around 3pm I tried to nap but I was so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep. I took my blood pressure on a home monitor and it was 153/98. So I figured I had better call my doctor just to let him know what was going on. He sent me to labor & delivery to be monitored again. I figured it would be about the same as the previous day and I would be back home in a matter of hours.

Ummm NO! My blood pressure had skyrocketed! Hitting at a high of 171/100 and hovering in the 155/95 range. My doctor got the results back from yesterday's urine test, and that was it. I had enough protein ninny urine to warrant him saying I had severe preeclampsia and I was being induced...now.

I was baffled! I knew I had the hypertension and would be induced in a few weeks for sure. But I didn't have HAVE any excessive swelling, blurred vision, or sudden rapid weight gain. I was pretty upset at first. I had so much at home I had to get ready. I hadn't planned to have my baby a month early...I was sure I would have a bit more time.

BUT there was no choice. I had to get ready right then. I called my fiancé and my mom, and things got rolling.

First they started me on magnesium for the blood pressure, antibiotics because she would be a preemie, 2 different bags of water to keep me hydrated, and potassium because my blood tests showed I was low. The magnesium made me hot and flush, and I was vomiting in a bag within minutes of it being stated. The potassium(which was placed in the other arm) HURT! It burned, and made my veins feel like they were going to explode. The feeling was only worsened when my blood pressure was taken every 15 minutes.

Then at midnight-now October 2nd my pitocin was started. I was able to nap for about 2 hours, but then I had to wake up for some blood draw and they needed to readjust the monitors on baby. 

I started feeling the contractions once I woke up, and they weren't comfortable. I got fentanyl to take the edge off the pain. Within 5 minutes I was vomiting again. Because I wasn't allowed to eat all I had in me was the 7-up and ice chips I was munching on. Every time I would throw up I would pee a bit, but at this point I didn't care much. They gave me Zofran to help settle my stomach, and bumped up the pitocin again.

By 6am my contractions had stalled and my doctor wanted me in bed-not even getting up to use the bathroom. So I has a Foley catheter placed. Getting it put in wasn't too uncomfortable, it's just an annoying pressure. But having it on is the worst! It's just a constant burning sensation that gives you the overwhelming desire to want to pee. Just not comfortable at all!

I was having regular contractions and got some more fentanyl for pain. My doctor came to check on how I was doing after he long night and induction...and my blood pressure had been really good throughout the night. Like 130/75 good!!

So he had the nurses stop all the IV meds and pause my induction...he said if my blood pressure stays down below 150 for the top # and 100 for the bottom # today that I would be ok.

So I got home, relaxed, ate some food, and tried to watch some football.

The following morning (Monday October, 3rd) i woke up with a blood pressure is 153/98. And I was bleeding. Not a huge amount, but enough that it was leaking onto a pad. Called my doctor and he sent me straight over to labor & delivery. He met me there, I was hooked up to IV's and monitors, and he broke my water at 10am. I labored without relief until I hit a 4. Then at 5pm I was finally able to get my epidural. Let me just say that epidurals are the best thing to have ever been invented!!! I admire any woman who can make it through labor and delivery without pain relief. But anybody who wants it and isn't sure...there is NO shame in getting one. At about 6:30pm I called my nurse in because I was feeling a TON of pressure and was starting to have the urge to push. She checked me and I was fully dilated, effaced, and I was at a +1 station! They immediately called my doctor and started prepping the room for me. I had to fight the urge to push while we waited for everything to get set up. From there is was a whirlwind of people in and out and before I knew it my doctor was in front of me telling me it was time to push.

I pushed through 4 contractions and she was here!! Born at 7:09pm - 5lbs 5oz - 17 inches long - born at 35+5 - and perfectly healthy!

🎀Summer Joy LaRue🎀