don't know what to do😥

Hi ladies so I don't know what to do..we've been having trouble with my sons gas, we went to the pediatrician and they gave him probotic drops and to in sure me to watch what I am eating which I'm doing. The probiotic drops she gave I don't feel are working I've been using them since last week and he is still having some problems. Like he is in pain..I hear his stomach making all these noises after eating and too a point when he just wants to sleep but his stomach hurts. It breaks my heart I do everything I can to help...bicycles..massage his tummy..put him in different positions..massage his anal area. I feel helpless..what do you all ladies think is wrong? Allergy? Cannot tolerate breast milk? I'm going to call the doctor again today😥 (he's is breast fed) He'll he 3 weeks tomorrow