Please read and respond. It's lengthy but thorough. Please..


My period is projected to start tomorrow, but I haven't had any of my normal pms signs. My breast usually hurt and swell about 5 days before my period comes, I always get one monstrous zit on my forehead about 3 days before I start, and I cramp like hell for the whole 2 days before I start. But, instead, ive been bloated for 2 weeks, neasous on and off, headaches at night, lower back aches (almost like a stretching feeling,) tired all the time, waking up earlier than normal (between 6-7am, when I normally wake on my own by noon,) crazy and vivid dreams. For the past week, ive had these huge dark veins on my breasts, and my nipples feel raw. I've had random subtle cramps for about a week now, and I have about 3 small zits on my face, and for the first time ever, a zit on my stomach. Also, I've been getting random small nosebleeds, but my nose has felt congested. And I've been peeing nearly every hour, on the hour. Plus, my hair has been thinning like crazy.

Lastly, for the past 2 days, I keep feeling like I'm "leaking." It's this creamy white discharge that I notice only when I wiped tho.

I keep feeling like I have been feeling off, and the sense that I'm pregnant, but I took a cheapie test 6 days before my period and it came up negative, so I figured I'm not pregnant. But these things keep persisting so it confuses me. If i dont get my pperiod bt the 7th, im going to test again. But does anyone have any ideas or opinions? They'd be greatly appreciated.