26 Weeks! Trucking Along!


26 Weeks today! My sweet Ryan should be measuring around 14 inches and 1.7 pounds today, which is apparently the size of a bowling pin! :). This week's experiences: a little extra energy, random bursts of crying for no reason, cravings for chocolates, and setting my alarm a little early so I could feel him kick :). When I roll from my side to my back, his butt sticks waaaay up in the air. My favorite memory from this week was my hubby putting his hand on that tushie bump and giving him a love squeeze with a smile on his face. He's going to be such an amazing Daddy! 13 weeks (or less) left!

In 2 weeks, I'm scheduled for my tdap, flu, and rhogam shots, glucose test, and repeat ultrasound! 28 wks is going to be busy! For now, just enjoying the ride :)