Period troubles.

Sophie • My names Sophie, I`m 20 years old and happily in a relationship with my partner Jacob, 💕
Hello everyone, I'm a bit new to this whole thing so I'll give it my best, lol.. But recently I've been experiencing some problems with my period, i started my period 2 weeks ago yesterday and I was only on for 3 days where as normally I'm on for 5, I then went to the doctors that Friday and got diagnosed with a water infection, I took my 3 days worth of tablets but on the Sunday evening as I was going to bed I noticed I was bleeding, and ever since then I've been bleeding I just wondered if anyone had ever experienced anything like this before as I have been to the doctors but they said there's nothing they can do as they recon it may just be another period, wondered if anybody had any other stratagies as to why I may be bleeding?
Thank you all 😊

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