I delivered too early

I don't mean to scare anyone but I want to share my birth story. On week 24 of my pregnancy with boy/girl twins, I started cramping. It felt like my period was coming so I found it very strange. The week before- at my Ob appointment, my doctor said my cervix was getting shorter (from 2.8cm to 2.1). She said it wasn't a huge deal now but told me to take it easy and don't leave town. So I was taking it easy and when I started feeling cramps, I didn't think anything of it.  The next day, I started to get these wave like cramps every 10 minutes. They were bothersome but not that painful so I just waited it out. The next day it got better so I figured I didn't need to go to the emergency room since I had an appointment with my doctor the next day any way. That night I woke up with horrible cramps and when I went to go pee, I saw a blood clot. That's when I woke up my husband and went to the hospital. When I was at the hospital they told me my cervix was now at .7 cm. I was freaking out but my doctor was like, you're just going to have to be on hospital bedrest for 2 and a half months till you deliver. I was not happy with the news but figured I had to do what I was told. The first night was fine, my contractions went away. The second night, my water broke so I was rushed in labor and delivery and they gave me Magnesium to try to halt labor- which worked. The next night I was in a shared room with a crazy pregnant lady who was loud and I didn't sleep at all the night before Bc I was so sick from the magnesium. That stress  drove me back into contractions again so I was wheeled back into labor and delivery for the second time and was given Magnesium again. It sort of worked because my contractions were not as bad. The next night I started feeling crampy again. But all the nurses said the monitors weren't picking up any contractions. Every hour they would get worse and worse until I was literally squeezing off my husbands hand when they came in wave like motions. They then finally wheeled me back into labor and delivery and at this point I was screaming and shaking in pain. But the nurses kept saying they weren't picking up the contractions. My husband was like this is crazy please do something. So the doctors came in with the speculum and saw that I was 4 cm dilated. I have never felt that type of pain before. The doctor was like you need an emergency c section now and another dose of magnesium. Luckily I got the steroid shots while I was in the hospital the day before so thank GOD that happened. Then everything after that was a blur. I was Wheeled into a bright room with a lot of people, getting my epidural thru my spine, feeling like I was poked, pulled and prodded. Shaking profusely after the c section. Freaking out because I was 3 months too early. It was all too traumatizing. Doctors were telling me if I delivered this early there would only be a 50/50 chance that my babies would make it. I was an emotional and physical wreck after the surgery. I was so worried that my babies would not survive I was having anxiety attacks while I was still feeling completely numb from the epidural and drunk off whatever medication they gave me for the pain. I was in the hospital for 4 days crying my eyes out and in physical and emotional pain. My babies are currently in the nicu and will probably be there for a long time. So far, they are doing okay but it's still just the beginning so I'm praying they will have it easy. I never thought in a million years that this would happen to me. I was so careful- didn't drink or smoke at all, eat sushi or coldcuts, didn't excersize, didn't even have sex, didn't even take Tylenol and I still went into preterm labor. I literally just had hit the week of viability. I write this not to scare anyone but to let people know to go to the hospital if you feel any unusual cramps! I've never been in labor before so I had no idea that I was contracting. I went to the hospital just in time for the steroid shots and magnesium which both are giving my twins a shot at life. I hope no one has to go through what I did. And it's gonna be a long journey of ups and downs but I am so greatful they are doing okay so far. I'm going to stay positive and strong for my babies but it hasn't been easy.