first time

The other day my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. I have been on the combination pill for awhile now and we also used a latex condom. We had sex one day after my period had ended and it was extremely painful. We also bought water based lubricant and it still hurt, but I don't believe we used enough. After sex, peeing did not hurt but I did have some brown discharge. What could be the cause of it? We then waited a day and had sex again this time it was still painful but I started to bled. Him seeing the blood made him feel bad so we stopped. We decided to stop for a few days in order for myself to heal. So my questions are what is the possible reason for the brown discharge, bleeding, and after all or precautions (BC, condoms, pull out) what chance could I be pregnant. (I know there is always a chance I just want to know if I'm over thinking it all) thanks love you all!💜