I woke up with bad pains one morning around 6am and they wouldn't go away even when I tried goin...

Christine • Me & my husband got married on 11-05-15. We Found out 12-26-15 that we were pregnant. Now our baby boy Cayden is here & was born 3 weeks early on August 6th 2016.
I woke up with bad pains one morning around 6am and they wouldn't go away even when I tried going back to sleep it would just wake me back up so I woke my husband up to tell him and thought I was going into labor(I was 36weeks). He called the hospital and they told me to come in, they monitored me and told me I was having small contractions but not enough to do anything and I was stuck dilated at 1cm. Later on that day they sent me home even though I was still in pain. The next few days it got even worse to where I was on the verge of tears, I couldn't eat, barely could even sleep, I actually had to sleep on the recliner in the living room because I couldn't stretch my body out without it sending shooting pains from my right leg up, finally we had enough and went to the hospital again and it was 3 days after the first hospital visit, again they didn't do anything and said the same stuff so went back home and the next morning it got so unbearable I could barely even walk, I had to walk bending over and making small steps, again we went to the hospital. Finally they called a different doctor for me and he ordered all of these tests which only showed I might have an infection somewhere since my white blood count was a little high and I started peeing out a little blood. He let me stay over night and around 5:00am I got woken up to nurses coming in having me get onto my knees then my side because my baby's heart rate was dropping, they got it up and left me be, then again around 5:30am the same thing happened and the doctor came in and told me he can't risk it happening again so they told me it was time for an emergency c-section. I was terrified, had to hurry up and call my husband since he just left the hospital to go get us a few things from the house. I don't remember much since they knocked me out for the procedure. When I woke up they brought my baby boy to me and told me what they found. They found out the reason I was in so much pain the last week was because my right ovary and tube were twisted and it cut off all blood circulation on that side. My husband told me they had him go into the room while they had me cut open and the doctor showed him my ovary and it was all black. In the end I lost an ovary and fallopian tube. The doctors told me my son had possibly saved my life and definitely saved his own life from his heart rate dropping because the infection and blood flow was soon going to hurt him also. Even though I went through hell towards the end of my pregnancy it was all well worth it to have my baby boy in my arms. He was born at 37 weeks and 2days on August 6th at 7:15am. He was 5lbs&9ounces. 19 1/2 inches long. 💙