birth story but no pics of baby yet..

well my edd was October 17th ..i thought the day of having her was never going to come but i thought wrong bkus she made her entrance in her own very unique way. On Monday October 3rd I came into labor delivery because I had lost my mucus plug the 2nd then walked to the store on the 3rd thinking it was the best decision well once i arrived to Target I told my husband "babe let me go to the restroom I need to pee" he was like okay go ahead be off I went. I had just pee'd once i got up i felt a some water running down my legs . So i had to call my in laws to go for me because i didn't know what exactly it was. I arrived to labor and delivery knowing I was going to get sent back home. surely enough i did my water didn't break. it was a false alarm. lol i guess i urinated on myself. embarrassing anyways I got sent home eventhough my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart because of no dilation. I was mad because i could feel all the pain but I sucked it up went home woken up on Tuesday October 4th around 9:30 a.m to take my first daughter a bath and i decided to go in just because I knew the day was getting closer so i know i won't be able to bath with her for a while. long story short my contractions never stopped throughout the night nor in the morning got them worse after that bath. once i got out I heard my phone ringing it was the clinic confirming I had an appointment on Wednesday the 5th I told yes its fine but i have a question is it normally to have old brown blood mucus discharge. and have my contractions every 2-3 minutes.  she told me well your doctor was only here in the morning. afternoon he works at the hospital. So i go ahead and let her know well i will until my appointment tomorrow so that i can ask and get checked. she was like no let me go ahead and call your doctor and see what he advises you to do. . I waited for the call not even 5 minutes later i hear my phone once again i was for sure they would have told me just to wait until the next day for my appointment. nope i thought wrong they wanted to recheck me and see what was going on. I got to the hospital i got checked i was already dilated to a 4 I was shocked bkus the night i went in i was at a zero . 0% effaced but when they checked babies head was in transverse position, her umbilical cord was towards the bottom instead of her head ... which means she was slanted going towards my hips. Doctor didn't want to move her because he said there was a risk of breaking her neck. he gave me two hours for her to move in position by herself but didn't so i had to get a csection 😫 i dilated up to a 6-7 cm without meds just to get a csection it was such a disappointment. Well my daughter was born at 38 weeks 1 day @ 5:21 PM weighing 5 pounds 9 ounces..still don't have a name chosen ..honestly I wasn't prepared mentally or physically for this baby diaper blankets. i don't know i felt like with this one i had no interest in preparing for her arrival. Now i regret it and feel like the worst mommy but we will figure something out. thank you for reading. Sorry that my story is all over the place. Goodluck to those who are waiting for your babies arrival. don't think if your not dilated one day you can dilate during the night with contractions and all. I went from a zero to a 4 in 9 hours. i'll post pics once i have some good ones taken. thanks have a wonderful day 😁💕