possible twins?

When I went at 8 weeks pregnant for my first ultrasound the technician had to do a regular ultrasound on my stomach because I had a subchorionic hemmorage and she didn't want to take the risk on doing an internal one. She said with a normal ultrasound she would hope to get good pictures that early but we would have to see. Well all 4 of the pics she gave me you can clearly see the baby but then you see something white above it as well. I have 3 other kids and didn't see this in any of their ultrasounds. I asked her what it was and she said it was too early for the placenta and cord, but it was portably the yolk sac and a shadow. But to me it looks like another baby above. I am almost 16 weeks now and have to wait until around 20 weeks for an ultrasound. What do you guys see ??