So Fed Up...

I'm feeling very low today. Four days overdue and the last few evenings I've started to have lots of pains... which develop but then when I go to bed everything stops... which then makes me think I'm imagining symptoms- why would I get pains for them just to stop?
I've been off work for three weeks and I'm going out of my mind with boredom. Everyone keeps telling me to make the most of it and relax but I like being active and busy and sitting around is driving me insane!!!!! 😫 I read a whole book from start to finish yesterday... that's all I had to show for my day!!
I went to Starbucks for lunch today just to get out of the house! I feel like I'm going out of my mind!
I get about 20 text messages a day asking if he's arrived yet- and whilst I know people care it's adding to my frustration. I feel like screaming "no not yet!!!!! Arghhh!!"
I know I sound like a right moaning mirtle but I just needed to get my frustration off my chest!!!