😭😭😭😭😭Having a bad day, venting.

So I had my first prenatal visit yesterday. I thought it went well, but wasn't a fan of the woman I saw. She seemed okay, but I'm used to my OBGYN's that I see. First off, she seemed to have a negative tone when I said that I plan to formula feed. It worked out better to formula feed my daughter, and my OBGYN and daughter's pediatrician supported my choice. This lady wrote down in my appointment notes that "she tried to sway me to breast feed, but I declined." Then she wrote down obesity as a problem "complicating pregnancy."  I know I could lose a little weight, but I don't see myself as obese, or I guess I didn't until today. My doctors always said I was at a healthy weight, and never said anything about it. I've never had issues from weight, and bloodwork always came out great. I feel so bad about myself after reading all these reports 😭😭😭 She never said anything about my weight at the appointment except asking if I had thyroid issues or how much weight I gained in my first pregnancy. I lost all my pregnancy weight right away. This just sucks knowing that I will only get bigger and there's nothing I can do. I know it's baby weight, but it hurts reading reports like this knowing that it will only get worse. I feel like a cow.Â