Where we are in the TTC journey..

Dani • IVF txf 10/31/16, 11/9/16 BFP!! MMC 12/18/16. 2/18 4.5 week chem. IVF txf 2 5d embies 4/24/18, preggo with rainbow fraternal twins!! EDD 1/6/19 🤰🏼💕🙏🏻
I need to vent...so I just turned 36 two weeks and ttc#1. We have been trying officially 2 years now, started seeing an RE that diagnosed me borderline hypothyroidism and PCOS in Feb 2016.Since then, I've had a plethora of exams, completed 3 <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>'s 2 medicated, 2 unmedicated and timed intercourse with hcg injection. I had 1maybe 2 chemicals in that time. Switched from Clomid to Femara and my cycles became 28-29 regular again...But timing still was an issue with me ovulating way too close to my af...still doing bloodwork and sonos nearly every day, we have moved to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> now..more so qe are going to try ICSI as suggested by our RE. I'm disappointed as we would have been going through egg retrieval next week, but as luck would have it, I developed 2 huge follicles on top of eachother while on birth control, go figure...The follies needed to be collapsed/released egg with hcg before trying another cycle. Currently on day 6 of birth control and going into doctor for bloodwork and sono on Friday, if all goes well I will come off birth control for 3 days and start the course of injectables for 10 days, then (fingers crossed) egg retrieval. I hope of all hopes that this is the month...I cannot take all the ups and downs emotionally and physically allover the place. My poor husband thinks that im batshit crazy lol...but he's my rock.♡ Baby dust to all of us 30+ women desperately holding onto that glimmer of hope in conceiving and thus being able to share in the joy of motherhood too. Is it just me or does it seem like everywhere you go, you're surrounded by preggos??! What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger and I know that all these trials and tribulations we are going through will pan out in the end!! ♡