Developing Sac without Fetus?? Has anyone heard of this before??


So my Midwive called me today and asked me if anyone had called me about my ultrasound. I said no but well yes because I called dr.mckinneys office in order for them to get the results sent to the Midwives. I asked her what they said and she said not much just that your 6 weeks 3 days. She says oh. Neither of the other doctors called and I'm like no???

She's like (and I can hear the shit tone come in) well here's what's up.

Shes like they found a sack measuring 6 weeks 3 days but no fetus. Usually after about 4 or 5 weeks the body recognises this and you give birth to the sac. I was like well I'm still growing and still really sick so what's going on. She's like well. Would you like another ultrasound and I'm like ya that would be fantastic. So she's sending me for another ultrasound in Orillia. If they don't see a fetus there, I will be sent to emerge to get a pill to finish the miscarriage.