I think I love him...

Jewel • Juss living life...
So, I like well maybe love this guy and we've been talking for like a couple of years... We live in the same city. We had a lot of FaceTime calls and last night talks on the phone and got closer. I know almost everything about this man . I have him on snapchat.. An he hangs around a lot of females and also hella guys. I get jealous, but I feel like that's typical. I forgot to mention why we stopped talking to each other for almost a year... Well, I had a friend and she was a Thot lol. She was in and out relationships an slept around. Anyway she was on my phone one day... Ps- I didn't tell her I was talking to this guy because I didn't trust her. Anyway, she goes in my camera roll and finds a picture of the guy I'm talking too. She asks me who it is and I juss tell her it someone I talked too. The next day! She texts me and says "Do you ( the guy's name)? I said "yes" why? An them SHE ASKS ME IF SHE CAN HAVE HIM!! Ok so now I'm confused. Meanwhile, him and I stopped talking for a couple of days he usually texts me everyday, but we didn't text. So I text him and we had this big argument and he says you don't have to talk to me then... So I felt like he was letting me go... But, what really hurt me was he dated her. So basically I said fuck him an her and continued to talk to other guys... Like I've been talking to him for a long time even before he had a girlfriend and came to me for advice when they broke up. But, anyway I came back to him a year later... Because I felt like the situation was petty and I can't hold that grudge. So back to where everything started... I think I love him and he's juss so fine to me... Like everything all his flaws he's juss everything to me... But, we're not how we used to be because I feel like he wants someone else... I mean sometimes we talk and he's juss plain like he doesn't want to talk so that's where I end the conversation. I don't want to talk to him if he's not making an effort to talk to me. I feel like I should juss let him be and experience because I feel like that's what he's been doing already... We're not dating so I can't be mad. But, I'm don't want to lose him. Should I juss leave it alone like I've been doing?