
Stephanie • 👫🏻👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻👱🏼‍♀️👼🏻🌈🧒🏼👦🏼👼🏻🤰🏻
I've posted about my journey with weight and life after mirena on other forums, maybe I'll repost them here... but for now, I'll just update.
It'll be 3 weeks tomorrow that I got my mirena removed. Still no AF or BFP. I'm so frustrated. I haven't had a period since August 3rd, and I'm typically pretty regular. Thought for sure it would come after iud removal. I just want to get my AF and carry on or get a BFP and start prepping for a new baby. I just want to know for sure.
Nathan, my boyfriend, has been wish washy about TTC and lately he's just been completely against it. He wants another, and I'm ready now. Especially since he spent two weeks telling me he was ready and that's when I made the appointment to get my mirena out. Now I bring it up and I get a different excuse each time.
Our son will be 2 and my daughter 10 in November... I don't want anymore than a 3 year difference between my son and my next child. At this point, it will be about 3 years. And you never know what may happen; I could get pregnant and miscarry, it could take longer to conceive than last time... you just never know.
I tried to order a bulk box of pregnancy strips on Amazon and my stupid card was declined for $7.99! How am I really THAT broke right now? I just need to be patient and order again at payday and not buy a test until then. 
I'm just so ready for another pregnancy. I want at least one more, he says only one more, and I want to be done having babies by 30. And every time I go on Facebook, I see another pregnancy announcement. Way too jealous right now to be dealing with that. Especially when I see the "oops! I'm pregnant!" Kind of announcements. Women don't realize how inconsiderate to others those posts are until they are on the other side. 
We are only using withdrawal for BC, so I might get pregnant eventually from that like I did with my miscarriage, but I'd prefer to be actively trying again.
I need to find something to do to occupy myself otherwise I'm going to go nuts thinking about it. So far, nothing is working. I am stressed, but no more than usual, really. I'm just so ready and I wish he was.