AF or Pregnant? Neg tests

Lauren • Christ Follower, Wifey, Puppy Mommy!
Hello! So for about 3 weeks I have been having some symptoms that are getting increasingly stronger but every time I test I get a negative. I have off and on nausea, cramping(way more last 2 days), lower back pain, crying/emotional for no reason, headaches, extreme hunger which usually then makes me nauseous, I can smell everything and I have been peeing every 30min. I am 5.5months postpartum and have recently been going longer stretches as night without pumping so I am thinking it could be AF. But at the same time, I never PMSd like this before pregnancy and these are all the same symptoms I had when pregnant with baby #1. Oh and also, just this week my let downs while pumping have been that pins and needle feeling which had gone away when my milk regulated around 12wks. Anyone have any insight for me!?! I will keep testing but even with as bad as my cramps are today I haven't had any spotting or anything. 🤔😖