Anyone else pregnant right after a miscarrige?

Blue♡ • 20♡ baby boy due in june♡make-up addict♡

Hey girls , I'm wandering if anyone else here has recently had a pregnancy loss.. I had a m/c end of July at 12 weeks n yesterday I just found out I'm pregnant again already it's such a shock I'm terrified but happy at the same time not sure how to feel about it hearing any success stories or people's thoughts who are going through the same would be nice♡

UPDATE:- Thanks for all your comments , it's nice to know there are others in similar situations were not alone even though it might feel that way n most of the time we go on to have healthy pregnancies the next time round everyone has a different journey I wish all of you a happy n healthy 9 months!

Update2:- Im now 20 & 3 days weeks with a healthy baby boy 😊 x