Grandparents no no .

So , my boyfriend parents have been saying since they found out I was pregnant that I'm not going to make it to my Due date ( November 27th ) and it's really aggravating and annoying. They assume just because I'm not as big as most women I'm going to go into labor early but I've always been small and my mother was small too . I only weighed 113 when I first found out I was pregnant and I have gained about 12 - 13 pounds . His parents didn't find out I was pregnant until my second trimester and in the beginning of my pregnancy I had really bad morning sickness . Me and him are first time parents and we're both young ( 18 ) I don't have any parents ( they both are deceased ) and me and my boyfriend live together in our own home . They always invite us to things which is nice but ever since my mom past and his parents found out I was pregnant they are always saying discouraging things to me in a joking matter but I really don't like it . I try not to be rude and just go off because they are his parents but it's getting to me and with my mom being gone I thought well expected his mom to be more nourishing to me . I'm starting to keep my distance because they aren't my parents and I don't have to see them at all but, every time I don't go out with them they bring my name up and make jokes while I'm not there. So Today I talk to my boyfriend about it and he promised he would talk to them about it but , I feel like the only way to solve the problem Is to just keep me and my baby away from them. I told my boyfriend that I don't even want them to know we had the baby because they might come to the hospital with discouraging things to say.