I don't know what to do....

I am under so much stress I don't even know what to do with myself 😭😭😭 my husband and I are behind on all our bills, my husband was accepted to the police academy but couldn't start in time because he was not discharged from the military in time (literally he was a day late) and now he is out and work and we aren't getting paid by the military any more cause they moved up his ETS date and my job is not only just a third of what we need to live for the month, but extremely physically taxing, requiring lots of getting up and down off the floor, heavy lifting and cleaning with chemicals and I'm so scared it's going to make me miscarry for a second time and I just don't know what to do any more!! Trying to trust in God, I know He has never failed to provide in the past, so why would he now? But still, I am human. And I worry a lot. Just needed to vent.Â