lighting crotch vs lightening vs round ligament pain

How do I know wtf is what LOL. I thought lightening was just a short name for lightning crotch but I saw on a thread online that it's different. It was confirmed yesterday that baby is for sure head down (didn't do cervical check though) and I'm sure if she has actually DROPPED or just head down. I've been having sharp pains across my pelvis for about 2 weeks. Sometimes they're around the ovary area and go into like a V Shape down mf va-jay-jay. Sometimes when I stand up or bend over it's like debilitating and I can't even move. Also everytime I stand up the baby pushes on my bladder and I have to pee(even though I don't actually pee). I assume this is probably all just normal as we approach D-day but just hoping it's a sign baby will come in a week or two not 4 or 5 LOL (37 weeks)