The love of a Mother

I'm a 28 year old, pregnant and emotional woman. My Husband keeps saying I'm a big baby and to grow up. (To be honest, I'm usually an emotional person). However, there's nothing wrong with me missing my Mom. Today I drove 3 hours to see her (I know 3 hours isn't too far for some of you but for me it is, don't judge). I bought my Mom some of her favorite breads, cookies and deli. As I drove away from her house today I burst into tears. I cried on and off for an hour. The realization that my mother is growing older and older as the days go by. I see more and more wrinkles in the crevices of her face each month I visit. It makes me so sad to see her age. She's 57. She's growing so frail and yet still wants to work like she's 30. I look at her sometimes and she looks like she just wants to rest. My Mom is one of the hardest working woman I know and I feel even my strength won't measure up to hers when I'm her age. I wish she would enjoy life a little bit more and not work so much. I know she did so much for all of us siblings, not having time to relax and take care of herself. Always worrying about us children and making ends meet so that we have plenty to eat and decent clothes to wear for school. I just kept crying, feeling so thankful to have such a wonderful hardworking mother that only cares for her children. I wish time would stop and she wouldn't have to age so I won't have to see her sick and fragile. I hope to be a great of a mother as she is to me. I love my Mom.