Controlling?? (Sorry for it being so long)

So I've been with my boyfriend since we were 15, we're 30 now, and he doesn't like me going out, having friends, wearing makeup or fake hair. There has been infidelities on both parts in the past, I've forgiven him and moved on from it, but he hasn't and it's been 7 yrs since I was unfaithful. But now, he's lurking thru my fb page, asking me who's this person and why am I commenting back to males (it was actually this emoji 😂😂). I told him that I knew him from high school and it was a total innocent post. But now it seems that everything is suspicious to him. He would rather me have no social media, no friends, no outings, just be in the house with our 3 children and that's it. I need to know what can I do to break this control. It's so bad that my family and his don't ask me or him to go anywhere cuz they already know that HE is gonna say no, even if I wanna go. When I do stand up to him on me going out, with family becuz I have no friends, he says oh u goin be single then and I'mma do me. I remind him that I'm a grown ass woman and my father is in heaven but he still doesn't budge. What do I do??