Husband afraid to have sex

Is anyone else's husband or boyfriend afraid to have sex because they think it will hurt the baby? I tell him all the time that it doesn't affect the baby at all, the baby won't even know what's going on. It's our first baby and he's a bit paranoid. Haven't had sex in months, which I dealt with but now I'm 38 weeks and I want this baby out. I am not dilated at all and my cervix is still closed. My ob told him at the appointment that he need to do his job to help get things moving. I was so grateful she mentioned it because maybe this will make his mind more at ease. Ugh I don't understand why some guys assume their penis is gonna stab the baby head or something, like chill dude. You act like you working with 12 inches 😂😂😂 you not gonna get that far up there.