Okay... So there is this guy I know and we have been best friends for like 9 years but he was in love with me for a long time. Okay so I dated him on and off a few times but we are really close and the last time we dated was for about four months, but that was like 5 months ago because I broke his heart. Yes I feel bad but I've been missing him and wanting him back but he moved on and got a girlfriend. THEN I FIND OUT THAT THE GIRL THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MY BEAT FRIEND MADE OUT WITH HIM RIGHT AFTER WE BROKE UP AND ADMITTED HER LOVE FOR HIM!!!?? Nd she finally apologized but come to find out she has been talking crap about me behind my back to my ex's girlfriend. Gah this is so screwed up. I just miss him and wish he would come back...