My amazing twins are here!

My little peanuts are here! I was scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks 2 days since I hadn't gone into labor on my own yet. We got to the hospital at 8 am and they were a little backed up, so we had something to eat then settled into the waiting room. Around 10:30, I was feeling crampy and wondering if I was having contractions. At 10:45 I went to pee and my water broke. They took me to a labor room and I was 3.5 cm around 11:00 am. A little bit later the pain was a bit worse. I was 5 cm and got my epidural. By 3:45 pm I was fully dilated and ready to push so they took me to the OR. Benjamin Derek (left) was born at 4:18 pm weighing 6 lbs 13 oz and measuring 19 inches, and Alyssa Madison was born at 5:12 pm weighing 6 lbs 4 oz and measuring 19.5 inches. I was able to deliver both vaginally and they are doing great! I was so lucky to have a fast and easy labor and our twins are home with us now and doing amazing. We are so in love!