Advise about not hating oral sex?

So here's the deal. I love my husband beyond compare and he always has my best interests at heart during sex but there is just one thing I can not stand and that's oral sex. I've had no problem being on the giving end but when it comes to the receiving end I've never enjoyed it. It's not that he doesn't try or is bad it's just I don't like the feeling period. Like I said before he's always been great at knowing what I want in bed and In trying to understand what he needs to do he has read soooo many books about female anatomy, sex tips, the Kama sutra, he's bought sensitizing gels, vibrators, and even read 50 shades of gray to try to see if that would help but nothing ever does. I just feel bad because he try's so many things for me and wants me to feel as good as he does when I go down on him but I just can't get any enjoyment out of it. Any advice ladies?