Cliche I love my best friend. Help?


I like my best friend. Like like her. So there's the obvious reasons of me doing nothing: I don't want to mess up our friendship, don't want to make her uncomfortable, she probably doesn't like me like that. But the thing is I have a feeling she does. However, she likes this guy, one that we've both had a thing for forever, and another that is into her hi key. I have an idea, and it might seem a little fanfiction-y?

I have a social media project for one of my classes and one of the prompts I was thinking of is how much a rumor can spread, but a bit different. A lot of people think that me and my best friend are going to get together or are already dating. So I was thinking of asking her if she was willing to do this project and say that we're dating and post cute couple pic's and stuff. And then I can put a post about how it was for my project a bit after and write about the responses.

My other idea is to just straight up ask her on a date. Like full on "hey do you want to go on a legitimate date with me." And then we choose a time and place. But with her talking to those guys I'm worried she'll say no and then think I'm rude or something. But I could just wait and see if they fall through or whatever.

Or I can just continue to pretend I only love her as my best friend?