Thinking of finding new doctor?

I had posted previously of having my healthcare cut off and it took me 2 months to finally get new health insurance which went active a week ago. The doctor I was recommended to see by my previous doctor (who I can no longer see since he doesn't take the new insurance) won't see me until the end of this month. I explained that I haven't been checked since I was 24 weeks and that I need a repeat c section and my baby was measuring 3 weeks ahead back then and she's been fully engaged in my pelvis for 2 weeks now, and all I got was that they would see me right before my due date and I should just go to the hospital to get checked in the meantime. I'm thinking of finding another doctor on my own since this one already seems a little too busy. I don't want to worry if I have a problem and they don't want to be bothered :/ what do you guys think? Maybe keep my appointment with him and find another doctor in the meantime to be safe?