So today i just turned 40 weeks

Jassy • Mommie of 2 👼 and expecting my third 👣 its a blessing being a mother 😊
i had appt and they checked my cervics andmy doctor said im almost 2cm dilated and about 60%efficient he also was telling me while checking me he would sweep my membranes and he did (not much pain) at first but before that at 39 weeks i have been having pressure and feel sore in my crotch when i left the doctors it hurt to walk even after he sweep me and at this momment my baby wont stop moving and i get pain and pressure on my lower stomach and its not as painful to me but could that be contractions i never had this with my last 2 babies please help or should i go in im scheduled to be induced on oct 12th but i dont think ima make it help!?