Could any ladies help?

I dont ever use this app, but i thought maybe someone would have a few ideas?

I have very irregular periods due to having cysts on one of my ovaries, so my last period was in august. Im not on any contraception since my GP has said that it is best for my body to be left alone due to the cysts. Normally i am fine and dont usually feel under the weather, however i had unprotected sex (drunken mistake) 6 days ago and ever since i have been feeling very tired. Cramping and majorly bloated, Hot and cold, very thirsty. Backache, needing to urinate alot more than usual and my breasts do not nessasarily hurt but feel alot more heavy. Also im alot more quick to get angry Im wondering if someone else has experianced it and could give me some ideas on what it might be?? Thank you ladies xx