Thinking about my future

Here's a little back ground about me. I was 13 when I lost my virginity and I am now 17. On the day I lost my virginity I didn't at all in now way wanted to lose it, I was little girl and was exploring the world. I was up early one day and I got an inbox from a boy. At that time I didn't know what boys was on at that age since I was only 13 and didn't talk to boys like that only just to have conversations then get in trouble for that but this day he asks me do I want to chill (big mistake) I told him I was 16 I think which was stupid in my part so I said yes and we weren't even far from each other just 2 blocks away so I met him and talked. I should've left the minute he said let's go somewhere else, we were sitting on his friend's porch. We then go inside of his house I hesitated to go inside we went inside of his basement and all I could think about is that I might not get out of here. It was a bed down there and he sat on it but I didn't. We ended up having sex I blacked out. I was saying no in my head but I just couldn't open my mouth to say it but thinking to this day I don't think that would've mattered. I just sat there crying while he did what he did. Days, weeks, months later I became his little "Bitch" you can say because when ever he wanted me he got me weather I wanted it or not. He would pull my hair to make me come with him. When I was 14 I left for the first time to spend a night at a guys house after that my mom took me to the hospital to get me checked. I found out I had chlamydia when the lady over the phone told me I went into shock so I missed the info about getting the medicine to cure it. So I had it still. I was about 15 or 16, I think 15 when I got it treated but I was having sex while I still had it I tried to say no to the person who I had sex with  but I couldn't say no then but I FOR DAMN SURE can now. So it's a possibility that I still have it. Everyday I see girls my age having babies and I CANT... I've had sex a lot of times and never got pregnant NEVER apart of me says it's God's way of making sure you become something in life before bringing a child into the world but then another part of me is saying I need to try to have a baby now so I know I can have kids. When ever I go to the doctor I get checked for and STDs they come back negative but why haven't I gotten pregnant? Are my tubes messed up? When the time comes for when I REALLY want to start a family will I ever be able to?