Just got in quite the accident need advice

So I was T boned. We were both going 60km/h.. I was going straight through an intersection on a green line and he decided it was a good idea to turn, crashing into my driver door.

My car is wrecked. I have insurance. They did the evaluation today and just for a basic quote it's $10,000 to fix right now. That's just for the basics (paint, door replacement) they then have to do electrical work (my traction control is permanently stuck on) which can be up to $3,000. And then any damage they find along the way will be additional too.

He's 100% at fault. So this is all covered. My car is only 2 months old brand new 2016. It's worth $27,000. My insurance company so far doesn't want to write it off which is scaring me for these reasons.. 1) there's electrical damage 2) there's damage to the frame and 3) if I want to sell the car (which I plan on doing after my loan is paid) it'll be hard to sell and I'd have to sell it for way less than what I could get had it not been in an accident. Since you have to disclose that it has been in an accident I won't get what I should for the car upon selling.

What can I do? I don't want to lose money.. I looked at a certain car it was $18,000, the exact same model and year was $7,000 when I asked the dealer why he said it was in an accident....

So because I was hit and not at fault I will lose a dramatic amount of money if I sell my car. This is unfair.

What can I do? Has anyone been in this position? I'm only 22 and I've never been in an accident and I'm petrified.

P.s I do have injuries. My back, neck and shoulder are extremely sore.. my seat belt didn't lock so I swung around... and the air bags never deployed. (I got hit so hard I went across 2 lanes)