My overdue princess...


Im laying here in the hospital taking advantage of my princess sleeping to share since I loved reading birth stories when I was waiting for my delivery day. So here it goes.

Last night I went for a 1 mile walk with my hubby not really thinking anything of it since I had made peace about being induced sunday. I had tried every natural way to induce and nothing so walking wasnt a big deal. Went back home and went to bed. I could not sleep at all and if I did manage to sleep I would wake up a few minutes later in pain. Not contractions but pain. I felt so much pain in my cervix from her head and felt like I needed to use the bathroom. As soon as I sat on the toilet I was in alot of pain. I tried to poop (sorry tmi) but seriously evertime I bared down I had pain in my vagina. I was also getting strong pms like cramps, not like regular contractions. I wipe and see that its a bit pink. Im flipping out. I wake my husband and tell him I need to go to the hospital because im in too much pain. Get to L and D and im only 1.5 cm. My contractions are regular (5 minutes apart) but since im not dilated they send me home. As soon as I get home im now in extreme pain. Like intense stomach ache pains and im having them 3 to 5 minutes apart but I had just left the hospital and was fighting going back. I was literally cussing out loud and thinking this is so not what 1.5 dilated feels like. So we go back. It had not even been an entire hour when they checked me again and I was 4 cm. An hour later im at 6cm. Finally have them do my epidural and I dont dilate much after 8cm. So they break my bag and an hour and a half later im at 10. Ready to push. I pushed her out in about 6 pushes. When I saw her I instantly fell in love. It was about 10 hrs of labor. Not bad at all. I probably wouldve had her earlier without the epidural but seriously having the pain medication made me enjoy my delivery. It allowed me to stay calm and be focused. I have a 2nd degree tear along my previous scar. Recovery is starting to sick but pretty soon I know itll all adjust back.