this pisses me off.

So today in south australia only like 20 minutes away from me on the express way a 15 year old boy stole a car, drove recklessly and ended up hitting another car and killed a 48 year old woman. He had the nerve to tell a cop on scene "what can they do to me, I'm a juvenile". He has shown no remorse. Hasn't said a sorry at all. I believe he should be treated as an adult in this situation. 
I am 17. Only a little older than this boy and I don't care what you say. You don't just "accidentally" steal a car and kill someone and then not feel bad. 
For those not familiar with the laws in south Australia, you have to be 16 to test for your Ls, and then at 17 you can go for your Ps if you've completed 75 hours of driving and past a final drive with a driving instructor and then do a further sit down test called "the hazard perception test". This kid is an entire year too young to even go for his Ls.