Clomid + Ovulation Testing- Help!

I'm on third round of clomid with ovulation testing. The first month it took three days of "Low" then I got "Peak" without ever having "High". Second round I got one "High" before "Peak".
This cycle is a bit different since I got my period without any Provera or Megace (usually necessary), and doubled Clomid dose. I had pretty substantial cramping & discomfort in ovaries while taking the Clomid, so felt like it was definitely working or doing something.
I only got one "Low" day, but now I'm on my SIXTH "High" day with no "Peak." Does anyone have any insight into what could be going on??
I know the "High" indicates elevated Estrogen & "Peak" indicates elevated LH- so is there a reason why I would be having consistently elevated Estrogen not leading to an LH increase?