Advice from My Sisters in Christ

Natasha • Christian, Happy Wife, Mama of 4 Girls, Expecting Baby #5
Hello.. We have 2 beautiful healthy Girls 8(2008) &6 (2010) We tired for #3 2013 but it didn't look promising from the beginning and we had a miscarriage early. Then we tried again 2015 and was put on progesterone pills everything went fine saw heartbeat at 6wks 2 days then a week later the heart had stopped and a week after I had to have a d/c. We have a new doctor and he wants me to start on baby aspirin before we conceive and once we get a BFP start on progesterone Suppositories. My question is has this method worked for anyone else? Just wondering. Ultimately I trust in the Lord and know it's in his hands. Thank you, God bless.