early morning fussiness - help!

My sweet boy is 8 weeks and EBF. He will sleep for a glorious 5-6 hour stretch at night, but in the last week and a half he's been waking up at 5 am, 6 am, AND 7 am (approximately) flailing his arms and grunting. He doesn't cry or show the usual hunger cues, but I will offer the breast if it's clear that he's awake and not just switching to a new sleep cycle. He will eat for 4-5 minutes and then go into a deep sleep - diaper changes, burping, etc doesn't even wake him! But then he will wake up an hour later doing the same thing. Nurse for 5 minutes, fall asleep for an hour, flail, repeat. He always adjusts to his usual eat-every-3-hours schedule during the day after 7 am. It's just this strange fussiness at dawn that has me stumped! Anyone ever experienced this as well?