Pumping at Work.

What's the most embarrassing story you have about pumping at work? I can't be the only one. I work at a school and have to pump in the file room in the back of the classroom while the teacher is teaching. The teacher and her assistant have walked in on me a total of 4 times during the past month!!! Claiming they, "forgot I was in here, had to get something for their  lesson, or was suddenly hungry and needed to get their snack." 😑 I'm so tired of it. But what really pisses me off is that the students are right on the other side so when the just barge in a student could accidentally see my tits out and me sitting half naked. Unfortunately the door doesn't lock and there are no other vacant classrooms for me to pump. *****EDIT: This is the only space the school has that I can pump. Otherwise I have to do it in the school parking lot in my car!!!******** Like seriously. I wish more work places would incorporate rooms just for lactation accommodations.