How do I get rid of him?

So the other day i was on this app. Its not a dating app but you can message people on there so this guy messaged me and we were talking and ended up exchanging numbers. He didn't have a picture but i continued talking to him because he seemed nice. Anywho, yesterday i asked to finally see what he looks like and he sends me a link to his YouTube channel. I watched some of his videos and he's so not my type. I hate feeling this way because i don't want to seem shallow, but there has to be some physical attraction there. He's just not a good looking guy :( on top of that, i feel like he might not be all there mentally. He made videos of him talking about depression and how he's a loner and it was in sqeaky chipmunk voice. He has like issues.. anyway, i dont want to tell him hes not cute and that he's weird af and don't wanna talk anymore because i really don't wanna hurt his feelings. He keeps texting me and i feel bad because now he thinks im interested in him too. How do i get rid of him nicely?