raising biracial children in predominately white area

Mary ★★★ • Follower of Christ! Mother & wife. Jeremiah 29:11
So this has been a topic of discussion for my husband and I, for obvious reasons. We're expecting our first in April and so we talk about it a lot more, as we're currently in the home buying process. 
We both agree that it wouldn't be fair to our children to raise them in a predominately white neighborhood/area or have them go to predominately white schools. We are very serious about this decision, but it's definitely a struggle. 
As you know, most things having to do with minorities are poorly funded including schools. That's largely because of surrounding poverty areas as well, but again we know how cards end up falling for our people... 
The surrounding schools in more of the diverse areas of Houston, Tx also have really bad test score averages in comparison to schools in the same district, that are in nicer neighborhoods. 
Money is not an issue, we could easily live in one of these uppity white neighborhoods but we just don't feel that's appropriate either. 
My heart is truly heavy over this. I am not close with my family, the only family my children will know is their white side so I don't feel like there's compromise on this. They have to go to racially diverse schools. 
I have discussed this with a few people and of course the response is "don't sacrifice your children's education just so they can be around black people", and they make me feel ashamed. Thank god for my husband being so adamant as well.
I pray we are making the right decision. Where we will be moving is safe, beautiful, and I love it a lot. However, the schools are not the "best". That's ok... because the schools are diverse. They aren't predominately black or white and l feel like our children will have a chance at being exposed to their culture. 
I'm nervous posting this, not sure how any of you ladies feel about this but opinions appreciated